
secure your sweets (or savories) right now...we're not it, you know you want to.

P.S. online orders carry a $50 minimum. so order for you and a friend, or just you. we don't judge.

  • biscuits

    not your nana's biscuits. buttery layers of fluffy goodness. traditional buttermilk and... 

  • buns

    혈액 요소 질소 hyeol-aeg yoso jilso (bun) first introduced to the mainstream... 

  • cookies

    cookies as big as your head. all BAKESBYCR.ENA cookies have crispy, crunchy... 

  • focaccia

    focaccia ("fuh-KA-cha") is a type of Italian yeast bread baked in flat... 

now available for pickup at PREP Kitchens

pickup on Saturdays from PREP Kitchens. we'll contact you after you place your order to set your pickup window.